Jumat, 03 Mei 2013



PT. TITAM LIVE INDONESIA, Perusahaan pertambangan nikel, manufacturing dan trading yang terdivesifikasi dan terintregrasi secara vertikal. yang memiliki beberapa branch office yang tersebar di wilayah jabodetabek.

Staff Kantor - Jakarta Raya

  • Pria dan Wanita Fresh Gruadate
  • Usia 17 - 22 TAHUN
  • Pendidikan SMU, SMK, SMA
  • Minimal Menguasai Microsoft office
  • Dapat bekerja dengan team maupun individual
  • Fresh Gruadate di utamakan
  • Tidak dalam bekerja pada perusahaan lain
  • Siap di tempatkan di wilayah jabodetabek
Calon karyawan/ti yang memenuhi kualifikasi , segera kirimkan cv dan lamaran beserta pas foto terbaru ke alamat email : titam@live.com

PT Eternal Asia Indonesia

PT. Eternal Asia Indonesia is an IT company specialized in computer spare parts distributor in Indonesia ( Western Digital - WD Element - WD Passport - WD Photos - WD TV Live Hub, AVIRA - AntiVirus, Apacer - USB Drive, PenDrive, Apotop - USB Drive, EnGenius - Wireless, Biostar - VGA, MOMAX, Synology-NAS Server ).

Our team consists of individuals who are professional and highly committed. We need professionals with the following positions:

Delivery (DL) - Jakarta Raya

  • Deliver product to costumers
  • Male min. SMU
  • Experience min. 1 year
  • Having SIM C, Motor & Like outdoor activity
  • Good attitude, Communicative & Integrity
  • Proactive, able to work under pressure and team player
Please send your CV and recent photograph to email : lowongan@eternal-asia.co.id

PT Eternal Asia Indonesia
Rukan Mangga Dua Square Blok C No.17, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.1 Jakarta 14420

For more information, please visit our website:

PT Anugerah Sakti

PT Anugerah Sakti is the garment manufacturing and trading company with unit in Sukabumi and Head Office in Jakarta Pusat.

Office Administration - Jakarta Raya

  • Male/Female.
  • SMA/SMU/Diploma Graduates in any major stream
  • Aggressive and Hard Working
  • Strong sense of responsibility and Honest
  • Good knowledge of computing skills (Especially of Microcsoft Office)
  • Able to speak English (passive)
  • Minimum 3 year experience in Garment / Textile Co
Please email your Application/CV/Recent Photograph to : hrd@anugerahindo.com

PT Jettaliving Indonesia


We are a dynamic and fast growing architecture, interior design, and contractor company seeking for:

Accounting Staff - Jakarta Barat

  • Prepare profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports.
  • document business transactions.
  • Establish, maintain, and coordinate the implementation of accounting and accounting control procedures.
  • Prepare and review budget, revenue, expense, payroll entries, invoices, and other accounting documents.
  • Explain billing invoices and accounting policies to staff, vendors and clients.
  • Recommend, develop and maintain financial data bases, computer software systems and manual filing systems.
  • Supervise the input and handling of financial data and reports for the company's automated financial systems.
  • Interact with internal and external auditors in completing audits.
  • Other duties as assigned
  • Female, max 32 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in jakarta barat
  • Honest, loyal, reliable, polite, strong attention to detail, solid organization/ time management skills
  • good personality, good communication skill
  • Proficient in ms office and accounting program
Send your CV and portfolio to : jbuntoro@gmail.com

PD Fajar Prima

Kami perusahaan distributor textile berskala nasional yang berdiri sejak 2002, saat ini mencari professional muda untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:

Finance Administration (FA) - Jakarta Barat

  • Wanita
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimum SMU/D3/S1 bidang Akuntansi / Keuangan
  • Lebih disukai berpengalaman di bidangnya min 1 tahun
  • Mengerti sistem penerimaan & pengeluaran kas & giro
  • Mengerti sistem penerimaan & pengeluaran bank
  • Menguasai Komputer MS. Office, terutama Word & Excel
  • Diutamakan berdomisili di Jakarta Barat
  • Bertanggung jawab, teliti, jujur, disiplin dan dapat bekerja dalam teamwork
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan CV dan photo terbaru serta salary terakhir dan salary yang diharapkan ke :

Komplek Ruko & Pergudangan "Daan Mogot Prima" Kav. B No. 1-2, Jl. Raya Daan Mogot Km 12, 8 Jakarta Barat - 11740 atau di email ke: fajar_prima@hotmail.com

PT Aneka Berkat

PT. Aneka Berkat bergerak dalam bidang Import & Trading Aksesoris Handphone berlokasi  – Jakarta Pusat, membutuhkan :

Sales Promotion Girl - Jakarta Raya

  • Wanita
  • Usia min 18 thn, max. 28 thn
  • Pendidikan Min. SMU sederajat
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, ramah dan aktif
  • Memiliki kemampuan menjual produk
  • Memiliki semangat kerja yang tinggi
Kirimkan Lamaran ke alamat email : surya@anekaberkat.com

PT Lock & Lock Indonesia

We, Lock & Lock Co., Ltd., are one of the best and the highest quality airtight container manufacturers in the world. Since we established in 1985 in Korea, we have been in the kitchen & house-ware market for more than 20 years. During last 10 years, "Lock & Lock" achieved remarkable growth of more than 40 times in sales.

We have various kinds of product line from food storage container to total household items. "Lock & Lock" is a rapid growing brand and we are now exporting it to more than 100 countries including USA, England, Germany, and China. Also we have 18 overseas branches including newly established PT. LOCK & LOCK INDONESIA.

Receptionist - Jakarta Raya

  • Receive and correctly route incoming and outgoing incoming telephone calls and maintains call logs or records.
  • Greet visitors and determined the nature of their visit, maintain visitor logs or records, alert appropriate party of visitor arrival or direct visitor to appropriate person.
  • Perform miscellaneous administrative activities, such as booking meeting rooms, typing, distributing mail, receiving and send courier packages.
  • Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma, any field.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.
  • Female arrange 20 - 25 years old
  • Fluent in English (written & spoken) is advantage
  • Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply (preferably have 1 year experience as Receptionist)
  • Good looking, attractive, have good interpersonal skill, communicative,and friendly
We only proceed the Application which are:
  1. Mention the position code in Email Subject!
  2. Mention the expected salary in the Application.
Sorry if we have to reject them who do not obey this conditions

Qualified candidates should submit an application letter with comprehensive CV, recent photograph, and your salary expectation not later than 3 weeks after this advertisement to: indonesia@locknlock.com or citra@locknlock.com

PT AEON Credit Service Indonesia

PT. AEON Credit Service Indonesia is the subsidiary of AEON Credit Service Co., Ltd., a leading multinational finance company in Asian region, which provides financial services including but not limited to consumer finance, credit card, personal loan, insurance, and banking. The parent Company and its subsidiaries listed at respective stock exchange in Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Malaysia.

In Indonesia, we have started our operation since 2006, and currently we are providing consumer finance for electronic, home appliance, furniture, music instrument, computer, mobile phone, and many others. Currently we affiliated with more than 1500 merchants, including Giant, Carrefour, Lotte Mart, Best Denki, Electronic Solution, Erafone, Superhome, Yamaha Music Dealers, and many others.

We are expanding the operations both for existing and new businesses, and we would like to welcome leaders and young professionals to join our team to expand the company in following position:

Call Center Agent (Code : 1305 - 007) - Jakarta Raya

  • Handle incoming call
  • Giving information to the customer
  • Giving problem solving to the customer
  • Male
  • Education SMU (Have a experience as Call Center Agent min. 1 year)
  • Education Diploma / Bachelor Degree (fresh graduated are welcome)
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Customer Service or equivalent
  • Full-Time position(s) available
  • Willing to work in shift
  • Willing to work in holiday
  • Profesionals looks
Kindly send your CV and the recent photograph to:

HRD Department
Plaza Kuningan (South Tower), 3A Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kav.C11-14
Jakarta 12940

PT Solusi Mitra Kinerja

PT. Solusi Mitra Kinerja adalah Perusahaan yang bekerjasama dengan salah satu Bank Nasional terkemuka di Indonesia, membuka lowongan sebagai CLEANING SERVCE

Cleaning Service - Jakarta Raya

  • Membersihkan meja, komputer dan pesawat telepon
  • Membersihkan kursi
  • Membuang sampah
  • Membersihkan kaca Indoor atau Outdoor
  • Membersihkan sawang-sawang
  • Membersihkan kamar mandi, meliputi : Langit-langit ruangan, lampu kamar mandi, dinding kamar mandi, wastafel, cermin dan closet
  • Menyikat atau mengepel kamar mandi
  • Membersihkan alat pemadam kebakaran
  • Membersihkan tempat puntung rokok
  • Membersihkan halaman (Menyapu)
  • Perawatan bunga
  • Pria/ wanita
  • Usia Maks. 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan Min SMU/SMK (sederajat)
  • Bertanggung jawab
  • Rapih
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan lancar dan sopan
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
JIka klasifikasi kemampuan anda SESUAI dengan kriteria tersebut di atas segera kirimkan lamaran (Cv, Photo dan Foto Copy Izajah) ke :
Email      : yudhi@solusimitrakinerja.com
Subject   : CLEANING SERVICE 2013

Atau INTERVIEW LANGSUNG di Kantor PT. Solusi Mitra Kinerja
Gedung WIsma AKSA Lantai 3, Jl Gunung Sahari IV No 1A, Kec Gunung Sahari Selatan, Kemayoran- Jakarta Pusat 10610
Bertemu dengan YUDHI - HRD
Waktu SENIN s/d JUMAT pukul 10.00 s/d 16.00 WIB

PT Dwidaya World Wide

Dwidaya Tour & Travel is one of the oldest and largest corporate & leisure travel agencies in Indonesia. Winner of numerous Top Ten agent awards from all the major airlines operating in Indonesia, Dwidaya Tour & Travel has also received the "Dirgen Parseni Cakra Empat" award, the highest award given by the Department of Tourism to the travel industry.

Staf Promosi - Jakarta Raya

  • Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun.
  • Latar belakang pendidikan: SMU / Diploma / Sarjana.
  • Menguasai Program Design: Photoshop, Ilustrator, dan Flash.
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman bekerja dibagian Promosi 1 tahun.
  • Memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM C menjadi nilai Plus.
  • Berkepribadian baik, penampilan menarik, jujur, inisiatif, creative, cekatan, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan bekerja tim.
  • Dapat menggunakan computer (Ms. Office; Words, Excel, Power Point), internet, email.
  • Penempatan di Jakarta.
Silahkan kirimkan CV lengkap anda ke:

HRD Recruitment PT. Dwi Daya Tour and Travel, Dwidaya, Jl. Hayam Wuruk, No 121, Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat, 11180 atau email ke : hrd06@dwidayatravel.com

Anugerah Group

Kami merupakan sebuah Lembaga Keuangan yang sedang berkembang pesat, saat ini membutuhkan karyawan yang dinamis dan bersemangat sebagai :

Finance & PGA Processor (Kode FPG)

Melakukan proses administrasi terkait kepersonaliaan, General Affair, keuangan dan pencatatan transaksi di Cabang agar berjalan sesuai dengan Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) yang berlaku.

  • Usia maksimal 27 TahunPendidikan minimal SMU/Sederajat
  • Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
  • Memiliki integritas yang tinggi, disiplin, berpikir positif, memiliki keinginan belajar yang kuat, mampu bekerja dalam team dan memiliki jiwa melayani
  • Wilayah penempatan :
  • Banten (Kode BTN), Nusa Tenggara Barat (Kode NTB), DKI Jakarta (Kode DKI), Riau (Kode RIA), Jambi (Kode JMB), Sulawesi (Kode SLW), Jawa Barat (Kode JBR), Sumatera Barat (Kode SBR), Jawa Tengah (Kode JTG), Sumetera Selatan (Kode SML), Lampung (Kode LPG)
Segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap anda ke email : hrd_ap@yahoo.com (max. file 1 MB)
serta cantumkan kode posisi & wilayah sebagai email subject dengan contoh format : “FPG-DKI”

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